Obtain a SLATE Token

Create an Account

If you have not done so already, go to the SLATE portal and create an account.

Understanding Groups

  • Every cluster must be administered by a SLATE group.
  • When you create a group you are automatically its first member.
  • A group can administer multiple clusters (if you are already a member of a suitable group you do not need to create another).
  • A group can also administer both clusters and applications, which may run both on clusters which it administers and on clusters which it does not.

If there is already a group which should be responsible for this cluster, and you are not a member, you should request to join it. You can also create a new group to administer your cluster (navigate to My Groups and click Register New Group).

If you do end up creating a new group whose primary purpose will be to administer this cluster (and possibly others), you should select Resource Provider as the field of science for it.

Installing the SLATE Client

Navigate to the SLATE Portal CLI Access page to download and install the client appropriate for your machine.

To check that the SLATE client is ready to use, list the various clusters that are already participating in the federation.

slate cluster list

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