At this point, you should have a SLATE-Ready Kubernetes cluster. You will now be able to join your cluster to the SLATE Federation.
The SLATE Command Line Interface will let you execute SLATE commands against the API server. If you haven’t already, download the client to your master node using the instructions on the SLATE Portal CLI Access page.
On the master node for your cluster (or a system with kubectl
configured with admin access to your cluster), execute:
slate cluster create <NEW-CLUSTER-NAME> --group <YOUR-GROUP-NAME> --org <YOUR-ORG-NAME> -y
All SLATE clusters should have their geographic locations listed in the cluster’s attributes:
slate cluster update <YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME> --location <LATITUDE>,<LONGITUDE>
Cluster administrators can grant cluster access to specific groups:
slate cluster allow-group <YOUR-CLUSTER-NAME> '<GROUP-NAME>'