SLATE blog

JupyterLab and HTCondor with SLATE

Note: This blog post was first published on Jun 11,2020 and last updated on Apr 04, 2023.

JupyterLab is a great tool for data analysis, visualization, machine learning and much more. It allows users to run code interactively via its web notebook interface and thus iterate changes quickly. Often users need to scale up their work and thus require submission to a backend cluster from the notebook. We show how this can be done with HTCondor using SLATE.


Varnish is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. It’s an alternative to squid, the web caching service that the ATLAS community is familiar with. Slate recently released two Varnish charts, v4a and v4cvmfs. The former creates a Varnish instance that is configured to proxy ATLAS Frontier requests while the latter creates a Varnish instance that is configured to proxy CVMFS requests (CMS, ATLAS, and any CVMFS repository available on Stratum One servers).

Network Performance with PerfSONAR Checker

Note: This blog post was first published on Aug 24,2021 and last updated on Jan 17, 2023.

PerfSONAR is a popular tool to measure network bandwidth and latency between between hosts in a network. We’ve built an application that can be easily deployed on a SLATE cluster to check connectivity against production endpoints we operate on the SLATE platform. This should be a handy tool that cluster administrators can use to check out a newly installed cluster.

Faucet Release and Application Overview

The SLATE Team is excited to announce the migration of Faucet from the incubator catalog to the stable catalog on the SLATE Portal.

SLATE API/Client v1.0.36

The SLATE API & Client version 1.0.36 includes improvements to the Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Controller, added support for OpenTelemetry, and more.

SLATE Cluster Upgrade Guide - K8s v1.24

The team has been busy preparing SLATE for Kubernetes (K8s) v1.24.x and today we are happy to announce that this work is now live. As cluster administrators there are several upgrade tasks you must perform to continue using SLATE with this new version of K8s.

Update Root Certificate (Let's Encrypt)

After the Let’s Encrypt root certificate expired at the end of September 2021, a few people are still experiencing a certificate expired warning on our websites. We have updated our websites with the current certificate; however, some users may need to update the certificate on their computers. Specifically, we have seen this issue with Mac OS.