SLATE API/Client v1.0.36

The SLATE API & Client version 1.0.36 includes improvements to the Kubernetes NGINX Ingress Controller, added support for OpenTelemetry, and more.

Release Notes


  • Updated the SLATE API server to compile and run on a Rocky Linux 9.x container hosted by the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
  • Upgraded the installed Amazon Web Services (AWS) C++ SDK version to 1.9.365.
  • Installed the OpenTelemetry C++ Client version 1.6.1, adding support for OpenTelemetry in the SLATE API Server.
    • Adding OpenTelemetry improves the SLATE team’s monitoring capabilities.
    • OpenTelemetry allows the SLATE team to track down and correct errors that occur in the SLATE API Server more quickly.
    • Future plans include OpenTelemetry integration with the SLATE Client and Portal.
  • Added a new SLATE Client for macOS 12.
  • Transitioned to serving the SLATE Incubator and Stable catalogs via GitHub Pages.


  • Addressed an issue where the Kubernetes NGINX Ingress controller was suffering connection refused errors.


The SLATE Team