Globus Compute Endpoint on SLATE

Globus Compute is a federated Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) that allows users to run Python functions on remote computers.

There are two parts to the service: the Client that submits functions (through a python library) and the endpoint running those functions. Installing an endpoint through SLATE allows the Globus Compute Endpoint to run on any federated SLATE Kubernetes cluster.

The Globus Compute Endpoint uses Globus Client Credentials, which we will place into a SLATE secret.

Globus Client Credentials

Step 1: Visit

a: Or login from the [home page]( and select settings. 

Step 2: Click the developer tab at the top of the page.

Step 3: Select Advanced Registration

1. select "none of the above - create a new project" and hit continue
1. Enter a project name and a contact email
1. On the next page enter an app name
1. The redirect URL is `https://localhost:5000/*`
1. Select "Use effective identity (ID token + userinfo)"
1. Click Regsiter App

You’ll need the Client UUID at the top of the page

  1. click “Add Client Secret” and enter a name.
  2. Copy the Secret; it is the only chance you will have to copy it. (In the next steps we will use the Client UUID at the top of the Page in addition to the secret you just created. After you copy the secret, there is another UUID that is displayed in the box at the bottom of the list - This is NOT the UUID that you will use).

The Client UUID and the secret are private to the endpoint and will not be entered in the configuration file. Instead, we will create a SLATE Secret with this information.

Create an environment variable file to use when making the SLATE secret:

touch client_creds.env
chmod 0600 client_creds.env

Open client_creds.env and enter the Client UUID and secret (replace these values with the values you received from Globus):


Using the client_creds.env file we can create a SLATE secret:

$ slate secret create my-secret --group <my-group> --cluster <my-cluster> --from-env-file ./client_creds.env


Download the configuration file:

$ slate app get-conf globus-compute-endpoint > my-conf

We will update few items in the configuration file. First we need to get a new UUID:

Method 1:

$ sudo apt install uuid

the enter the uuid command:

$ uuid

Method 2:`

>>> import uuid
>>> uuid.uuid4()

Copy the UUID and enter it into the following value.

NOTE: This endpointUUID that you create is the endpointUUID that you use to submit a function to your Globus Compute endpoint in the final steps below.


endpointUUID: <UUID>

Update the Instance tag with a unique name:

Instance: name

Update the secrets field with the name of your SLATE secret and make sure the useClientCredentials is set to true:

secrets: my-secrets
useClientCredentials: true

Make sure to set minBlocks in the config file to zero. Currently, if minBlocks is greater than zero, those resources will not exit when uninstalling the Compute Endpoint from SLATE. Setting it to zero just means that the Endpoint does not keep an idle worker available - a new worker will be setup when a client request comes in to the Endpoint and will shut down shortly after.


Install the Globus Compute Endpoint with the following command (update the cluster name and group with your information):

$ slate app install globus-compute-endpoint --group <my-group> --cluster <my-cluster> --conf my-conf

Client Functions

Now that the Globus Compute Endpoint is running on your SLATE cluster, you are able to submit functions to the service:

Using the same client credentials you obtained while setting up the the Globus Client, set the following environment variables, replacing the values with your client credentials:

$ export FUNCX_SDK_CLIENT_ID="11111111-2222-3333-4444-000000000000"

Submitting a function to your endpoint requires the endpointUUID that you created above for the configuration file. (NOT the Globus Client UUID).

the step requires Python version 3.10:

$ python3 -m venv path/to/globus_compute_venv
$ source path/to/globus_compute_venv/bin/activate
(globus_compute_venv) $ python3 -m pip install globus-compute-sdk

Now create a simple “Hello World!” example to submit to your Globus Compute Endpoint.

Create a new file:

from globus_compute_sdk import Client

gcc = Client()

def hello_world():
    return "Hello World!"

func_uuid = gcc.register_function(hello_world)

# Use the endpointUUID you generatated for the config file
endpointUUID = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111' # replace with endpointUUID
res =, function_id=func_uuid)


Now create a file to get the result:

import sys
from globus_compute_sdk import Client

gcc = Client()



$ python3

The result will output a UUID. Copy this UUID to use as an argument when running the file:

NOTE: When the Globus Compute Endpoint receives a job it fires up a worker to run the function; because we don’t have an idle worker running initially, it takes a few seconds to start the worker. You may need to wait a minute to run If the result is not ready when running the get_result() function, you’ll see an error that says TaskPending(task["status"]). Just wait a few more seconds and try again.

$ python3 <uuid>

This will print the result of your function, “Hello World!”

For more information about running functions with your Globus Compute Endpoint, visit

The SLATE Team