Creating secrets

First one needs to create k8s secret that contains robot certificate that will be used by the XCache to get the data from origin servers. Create directory certificates in kube folder. In it add files xcache.key.pem and xcache.crt.pem. Than execute file xcache-secret.bat. This is normally done only once. Upon creation, you may delete certificates folder.

Create service

This service maps xrootd port to external ports. The only thing to be changed is the last line of the xcache_service.yaml file. It has to point to the node's IP address. This is normally done only once.

From kube directory do:

kubectl create -f xcache_service.yaml

Configure and start XCache

There are several settings that should be set before starting XCache:

  • cache directory - replace /scratch with directory that should be used to store cached data.
 - name: xcache-data
     path: /scratch
  • all the parameters that start with XC_

Once everything is set up, to start the service simply do:

kubectl create -f xcache.yaml

Run stress test

The stress test k8s pod runs a simple client that repeatedly transfers (using xrdcp) 26 5GB files through the XCache. Files are stored at AGLT2. The only configuration needed is in line: args: ["root://","MWT2"] where the first argument has to be changed to address of the xcache service you are testing. Then to start the test do:

kubectl create -f xcache-stress_test.yaml

To get test's logs do:

kubectl logs stress-test -c stresser

Docker (obsolete)

To start:

docker run -d \
-e XC_SPACE_HIGH_WM='0.95' \
-e XC_SPACE_LOW_WM='0.80' \
-e XC_PORT='1094' \
-e XC_RAMSIZE='1g' \
-e XC_PREFETCH='0' \
-p 1094:1094 \
-v /root/xcache_test/vomsdir:/etc/grid-security/vomsdir/ \
-v /root/xcache_test/proxy:/etc/grid-security/ \
--name xCache slateci/xcache

To log into it and check logs:

docker exec -it xCache bash ls /data/xrd/var/log/ To stop it:

docker stop xCache docker rm xCache

To update it: docker pull slateci/xcache